
Gang Gang Cockatoos For-Sale

Length: 54-60 inches
Weight: 615–920 grams
Banded: Yes
DNA Sex: Males/Females (Breeder Pair)

The Gang Gang Cockatoos are Dimorphic with the female lacking the red-colored head of the male. Immature birds look like the hen except for some red scalloping of the head feathers in young males, which may be seen even in the nest.


Original price was: 1,000.00$.Current price is: 850.00$.


Gang Gang Cockatoos: Red & Grey Colored for Sale Online

Gang Gang Cockatoos For-Sale, although traditionally linked to the Black Cockatoo group recent biochemical work has shown it to be more closely related to the Galah and white cockatoo group than to black cockatoos. Gang Gang Cockatoo for sale online. It has been known to hybridize with the Galah Cockatoos, which is an example of hybridization in the wild with an escaped Little Corella has been reported. Buy Baby Gang Gang Cockatoos online.

Gang Gang Cockatoo for sale – The Gang Gang Cockatoo is a little, stocky cockatoo with a wispy crest, huge, wide wings and a small tail. The adult male has a special scarlet red head and crest, with the remaining body slate-grey. The adult female has a dark grey head and crest, with the feathers of the underparts edged pink and yellow. In both sexes, the feathers of the upper parts and wings are faintly edged pale-grey, giving a barred appearance, with females having extra yellow trim to their feathers that raises this barred impact. Young birds resemble the adult female, with young males different by having a red crown and forehead and a shorter, less twisted red crest. Gang-gangs are gregarious but fairly quiet cockatoos, and may generally be located in food trees by the sounds of feeding and falling debris. Baby Gang Gang cockatoos for sale online.

Diet and Nutrition

Gang-gang cockatoos eat mainly seeds of native trees and shrubs, as well as introduced varieties, preferring wattles, eucalyptus, and introduced hawthorns. Berries, nuts, fruits, and insects and larvae also form part of their diet. Buy Baby Gang Gang cockatoos online


Gang gang Cockatoos form close, monogamous pairs. The female selects a nest hollow in an appropriate tree and both sexes get ready the nest for egg-laying, lining it with wood-chips and dust by nibbling at the sides of the hollow. Both genders incubate the eggs and care for the young. Parents feed their young for an additional 4 to 6 weeks after fledging and family will be seen feeding with each other during the breeding season. In some instances, ‘crèches’ will be formed – where several pairs have nested close together, their young will roost together in the same tree while their parents are foraging.


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