
Blue Indian Ringneck For-Sale

Length: 16-18 inches
Weight: 300-500 gm
Banded: Yes
DNA Sex: Female


Original price was: 575.00$.Current price is: 475.00$.


Blue Indian Ringneck For-Sale

Blue Indian Ringneck For-Sale, along with their close cousin the African Ringneck Parakeets, belong in the Psittacula genus that are known as Ringneck Parakeets.

The normal coloration of the male Indian Ringneck Parakeet is a general green with its lower abdomen area being lighter and the back of the head has a bluish tint. A black ring that runs thought the chin and along the cheek. There it blends into a pink collar with some blue on the nape. The central tail feathers are bluish, tipped with a yellow green, and the outer tail feathers are green. The upper mandible of the beak is a red-orange and the lower mandible is black. Through domestic breeding, there is a large variety of color variations, or mutations available.
The female and immature male has no black ring, pink collar, or blue tint on the back of the head.The young reach their adult plumage after their second full molt, at about 3 years of age. These birds grow to a length of 16″ (40 cm).


Care and Feeding of Blue Indian Ringneck For-Sale

Fresh food and water must be provided daily.
In the wild, Indian Ringneck Parakeets eat a variety of seeds, berries, fruits, nuts, blossoms, and nectar. In addition to these foods, you can offer them vegetables and commercial pellets. They also enjoy the same nutritional foods humans eat, including cooked chicken. Cooked beans, rice, and grains are also enjoyed, but soft foods like these will spoil in about 4 hours. An occasional millet spray is a nice treat.

Maintaining Blue Indian Ringneck For-Sale

The basic cage care includes daily cleaning of the water and food dishes. Weekly you should wash all the perches and dirty toys, and the floor should be washed about every other week. A total hosing down and disinfecting of an aviary should be done yearly, replacing anything that needs to be freshened, such as old dishes, toys and perches.

Social Behaviors

In the wild, these birds live in flocks and are very social. They have a pleasant nature but will develop a screaming habit if teased.


The Indian Ringneck Parakeet is smart! Besides learning to talk, these parakeets are known to be great at learning tricks. Some have been taught to string beads on a rope, twirl sticks about their head, ring a bell, and pick up selected objects.

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